1st to 4th grade
  1. 1st to 4th grade
  2. Schedule from 7 am to 115 pm
  3. Subjects in English: math, science, english, phonics
  4. Subjects in Spanish: lenguaje, sociales, artística, Biblia.
  5. Full bilingual titular coach
  6. Personalized service system
  7. Cross training in: leadership, entrepreneurship, technology, creativity and innovation
  8. Pleasant environment: we take full care of the student’s self-esteem
  9. English program 777
  10. You will have the opportunity to participate on international competitions
  11. STEAM approach
  12. Digital grade, competency and skill badges are awarded
  13. You will have the opportunity to participate in music, sports, tech and art club’s
Plan APlan BPlan CPlan DPlan EPlan F
Matrícula $220Matrícula en dos pagos cada uno de $110Matrícula FinanciadaUn solo pagoDos pagosTres pagos
Mensualidad $80Mensualidad $80Mensualidad $100De $1050De $525De $350 cada uno

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